Theological debates

Let's talk about spiritual matters

More Mountain Movers…

In Matthew 17:19-20, when the disciples were unable to do the miracles Jesus did, they asked him why, and he told them that it is because they doubted. He explained that if we just believe something and do not doubt, it will be done, even to moving mountains. They even came upon someone that was doing the miracles, and was not a part of them, so it is obvious that he believed and did not doubt. Later, in Matthew 21, when Jesus cursed the fig tree and the disciples were surprised that it actually died, Jesus repeated the same thing. It seems simple enough. So why don’t we have more mountain movers? Men dedicate their lives to finding a multitude of ways to do things, so why haven’t we dedicated even a small portion of time to mastering the skill of faith. We could get a lot more done. We could reduce our healthcare costs, and so much more…

June 22, 2009 Posted by | Religions | , , , | Leave a comment